
September 2, 2012


I'm just going to get it out there right now- I'm a shopaholic.

Admitting it is the first step, right?

I created this blog to share with you my countless purchases and passions. This ranges from fashionable buys, to fabulous finds, from home-made noms (I can cook just about anything), to eclectic furniture and collectibles (I love to decorate and accumulate hardly purposeful chachkies) and whatever the hell else I'm suddenly (and understandably) up to or obsessed with.

I love buying vintage, shopping big sales, visiting thrift stores abound, and I have a very difficult time passing up a good deal.  I'm a kitty-cat obsessed mother of two beautiful fur babies (sisters Gucci & Coco), a Marketing student at Ryerson, and am currently residing in Downtown Toronto with my boyfriend, Chris. Gordon Ramsay is my idol, Gorillaz is my favourite band, and pink is my favourite colour.

Thanks for shopping by,
